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Data visualization capabilities provide transparency

Service trees of the CMDB can now be browsed visually in SAMU
Configuration items and relationships that are maintained by the IT operations team in the HP Service Manager can now be browsed and analyzed visually thanks to SAMU. In the other direction service definitions are synched back from SAMU to HP Service Manager. Magyar Telekom, 2015.

Nándor Bekk change and configuration manager, Magyar Telekom

„SAMU helps me and my team to tell exactly how a change of an IT technical component (eg. IT network, firewall or server) impacts applications and services. Application and service owners are now given a dedicated visual impact chain to assess the preparatory and follow-up actions required.”

Tibor Jókai ITSM organization branch leader, Magyar Telekom

„When operating production environments there is close to zero space for failures. SAMU gives us the platform to assess and mitigate the risks of changes and deliver corrective actions quickly. We also use the system for strategic decision making and cost assessments.”

The Challenge

IT people either smile or grind their teeth upon hearing about CMDBs. A great amount of money is spent every year to maintain them. CMDBs are great if data is reliable and visible to people. Making the knowledge accumulated in the CMDB more accessible and appealing to ordinary users is what Telekom was looking for.

The Solution

One of SAMU’s prime capabilities is to visualize a large amount of data in a nice and engaging manner. Therefore we put it in action by fetching daily exports from the CMDB and visualizing physical resources and their relationships to logical layers and services. Users may use SAMU as a graphical layer of the existing CMDB to understand service trees, perform analysis and find the root causes of issues. What’s more, we used the same repository that the Service Delivery department had built.

Service trees have become visible in the forest

The IT operations team can browse the content of the CMDB visually in the logic of the CMDB. The welcome screen also contains shortcuts to impact analysis reports for incident management and change planning.
The dependency tree of a server with the route to a particular service highlighted. You can analyse the trees easily by highlighting elements and relationships based on user defined rules.
Dependency tree of a selected application configuration item.
Dependency tree of a database.

Common enterprise service library

Creating new services is done in SAMU based on the already available service specifications. Physical resources are synched from the CMDB and linked to logical resources and services.

Clear visibility

Service trees can be graphically browsed allowing for better change assessment, quicker response to issues and providing more effective communication with other departments.

Improved data quality in CMDB

Visual dependency tree reports are quickly available for any service, which makes the discovery of inconsistencies much easier.

Increased value of CMDB

A flexible visual layer makes dependencies visible, resulting in better every-day and strategic decision makings.

Support everyday decisions

Root cause analysis Impact analysis of planned work Event management Planning (server virtualization, consolidation, data center consolidation, in-/outsourcing)

Major challenge ahead?

Let us show you how SAMU can support you! Sign up for a personalized demo now …

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Digitally conscious businesses who trust us

Why us?


We offer a Free SAMU Trial and/or a Free Proof of Concept (We set up the trial using customer data)


SAMU is extremely flexible, the meta-model is fully flexible, custom reports can be created, sophisticated user permission rights


Our Best Practice Model based on 20+ years of experience in delivering successful EA projects


SAMU has been developed using a bottom-up approach. Product development is based on real-life customer needs.


Customer satisfaction and our approach.  Each customer is unique.  We strive to bring real value and to have a successful EA practice.


Powerful visualizations: Our visualizations are all data-driven generated from the live repository with multiple lifecycle views available.


Integration capabilities: Sophisticated API to automate data upload and maintain quality in the repository.

Don't take our word for it!

Atoll Technologies Ltd. EA tool SAMU is a leader in Info-Tech Research Group /SoftwareReview 2024 Enterprise Architecture Data Quadrant Report.

„Atoll Technologies the dominant vendor for EA tools in the Middle East. It also has regional strength in Central and Eastern Europe, and can provide strong support to these otherwise underserved markets."

Atoll Technologies Ltd. EA tool SAMU is included in the Forrester Now Tech: Enterprise Architecture Management Suites, Q2 2022.

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