Agile business needs Agile IT

Agile businesses need agile IT. Together they transform the enterprise into something smarter, more dynamic, and better focused on customer needs and desires.

Ovum put SAMU on its radar

Ovum put SAMU on its radar

Leading industry research firm Ovum has featured SAMU, in its On the Radar report, as a toolset to promote innovative thinking by visualizing architecture knowledge.

The transformation game – evolution vs. revolution

The transformation game – evolution vs. revolution

Business is in constant motion. Our operating environment is continuously morphing, competitors rise and fall, fashion changes, technologies emerge and become obsolete, laws and taxes are modified. Successful corporations must follow the trends and be agile. Change can come in many ways – sometime in the normal flow of evolution, other times as a radical revolution. In all cases, having accurate snapshots of the affected architecture and the targeted future state is rather beneficial. In this post we will look into how such snapshots can be made and maintained. Read more about the topic in our blogpost.