Create a Source of Truth through a live architecture knowledge base

10+ years experience in making it work

Create the right meta-model

A commonly agreed to language is imperative for effective collaboration. You can start with any publicly or commercially available meta-model as a basis and tailor it to your needs. At the end of the day, it has to be something that is easily applicable in your organization.
  • we give you our best practice meta-model out-of-the-box
  • change it to meet your requirements or any emerging needs
SAMU screenshot: Create the right meta-model

Perform an initial data load

When ready with the structure, take the time to discover the sources of available information. It can be existing repositories, the ocean of Office documents, project documents, change requests – basically anything that you can find that is useful information. Some of it will be ready to load with just minor adjustments while others will require architecture survey interviews with key professionals.


Generally, the most valuable information is found in the minds of your colleagues. During these meetings, SAMU will give you the right visual platform to build up the model together. Interviews also provide you the opportunity to “sell” your value to your colleagues.

Check out how Magyar Telekom uses the interviewing technique in their daily business.

Load data from Excel

You have a number Excel files containing certain information about the architecture, don’t you? With the Excel importing wizard you can load the data easily. There is no special Excel format to employ and you can immediately visualize the data that you loaded.

implementation best practice

Integrate to processes

Bringing the knowledge base alive is only possible if the usage is embedded in your daily routines: modelling is continuous and decision-making of any kind is helped by focused supporting reports. The diversity of stakeholders should gain clear and immediate benefits by using it.
Process What SAMU can provide
Agile / waterfall solution delivery High-level solution architecture design
Service cost calculation Cost distribution based on architecture graph
Change management Change impact analysis
Incident management Root-cause analysis
SAMU screenshot: Integrate to processes

Integrate to systems

Reliable information sources (while maintaining governance around their updates) can be great candidates for integration. For example a BPM tool, the CMDB, VMware Vcenters, monitoring tools, you name it.

SAMU can also send data to other applications.

Check out SAMU’s APIs here.

Integrate to systems

Be ready for the next challenge

Interviews provide a great opportunity to brainstorm ideas and allow new requirements to emerge. Don’t let these slip – they can easily lead to new users and supporters. Be open for new challenges and even allow for changes in the EA model if it makes sense. SAMU will always support you.

Check out how flexibly and easily SAMU can adapt to your needs.

How can you get SAMU up-and-running in your organization?

SAMU can deliver instant value, but it provides flexibility to cover future needs.
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